Welcome to the first day of college. It is important day that marks the passing of time and tells of what is to come.
In all the excitement of the first day, don't lose sight of the important things that need to get done.
-You only have five weeks til you absolutely need your textbooks to study for the midterm.
-Stake out your table at gwinn. Or be forced to sit on the awkward East side where people in line for corndogs make you feel guilty for already having food.
-Between classes, hangout in the NE corner of martin square. Trust me, just trust me.
-Don't get caught up in the novelty of the omelete bar, there'll be plenty of time for that later in the quarter.
-Ask out the superfly honeys today. If you make friends with them first, they'll want to not ruin that.
-Only nerds go to coffee with their professors.
-Get up on time today. Tomorrow you can sleep in cause there is a convocation.
-Cool kids can hang out in the library, only on the first floor and not until finals week. Only nerds go to the 2nd and 3rd levels. Who is going to see you there? And only supernerds even know about the basement.
Those are some good guidelines for the first day of school.
Well, I've done my work for today. I'm going to catch a slice and a frosty at Zeek's. See ya there.
Westside Philly