Happy April Fool's Day! Ya'll!
I just saw "Knowing" with Nick Cage.
The Cageinator. The Cagester. Cage the Rage.
Quite possibly God's gift to women. Well, his second gift to women. The first gift to all the ladies was Sixth Ashton. What?! What?! Whoop it up, my B'oyz!
Knowing was pretty fantastic. And it had a good message.
The world IS ENDING. But unlike Nick Cage, WE don't know when it will end.
We don't trust in rocks. We trust in the Bible.
God's Google Maps for how to get to Heaven.
So as we enter the final days of LENT. Remember that these are just traditions. Traditions filled with powerful messages. But ultimately just a symbol, an emblem of what has happened and the promise of what will happen.
Use Easter to invite your friends to Church. Why not go see KNOWING with Nick Cage sometime this week? It will start a conversation, and raise questions, all of which will be answered on EASTER when the horns blare and the choir sings, and Ol' Mark Abbott comes out swinging and a thumping the Lord's promises down to us.
Just remember, the world WILL END, but Nick Cage WILL NOT be there to Save you.
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