Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Moonies Pies

I was hanging out in the northgate mall, because I love Panda Express. I mean, c'mon: everyday should be a panda day. At the mall I was approached by a man in all white garb who offered me a rose and of course I excepted because like I totally knew that I was being selected for the next round of "Who Wants to Be a University President?" A reality show which pits university presidents against each other in various games and contests. Surely my "lawn length" plan caught their eye and I was moving up in the rankings. (eat my dust, Clyde. Biola Sucks!)

Turns out, this guy wasn't from the game show, but rather he was a moonie.
I've been a moonie since I was 6 and sent away for the moonie badge, after collecting like 1,000 coupons off the back of Moon Pie boxes.
I have like 500 badges. 30 of them just from banana flavor which really takes commitment because no one likes banana flavored cream pies. yeck.

The nice man invited me to a moonie meeting, where they had moon pies. This day was freaking rad:

1.) Escaping Les Steele's asparagus burrito luncheon
2.) Panda Express
3.) Trash Talking BIOLA
4.) Free moon pies
5.) Moon Pie club... will this lead to an on-campus "Moon Pie Cadre" We can only hope. I call dibs on faculty advisor.

Now that I joined the Moonies, I get all the free moon pies and kool aid I want! AND they gave me a new name "Shau Ma Eaton" I guess that is like the moonie way of saying Phil. I kinda like it. I bet Les's moonie name would be "Nerd Linger Les"

I swiped some moon pies out in my suit, so I got those to eat then I will probably go to bed.

Peace out Homeys
Phil "Shau Ma" Eaton


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