Monday, August 22, 2005

Engagin' & Changin'

To all the nay-sayers out there, who think their university president is not working hard to engage the culture and change the world (and once the culture is engaged by me, the world will never be the same), I have this to say: Look what I did today:

11:35am skipped out on board meeting to go to 31 flavors. Did you know that they actually have more than 31 flavors? One Word: AWESOME. And if you get a double scoop, you can mix and match (engaging) to make a new flavor (changing). I took rocky road and moose tracks and mixed them to call it "road kill ice cream."

1:45pm After a hearty amount of community building at the ice cream shop, I decided to check out the TV guide to see what is on TV (engaging) and I decided that I am going to watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force even though I know Harvey Birdman is the best show ever, just to try things out (Changing).

2:59pm Last call for the lunch menu at Lee's Chinese Buffett in Green Lake. Gwinn was already closed and Les was lurking around the SUB so I had to get away from all the stress. I decided to try some chinese food (engaging) and it was good. They didn't have a lot of dessert options though, which made me sad. So I told them about road kill ice cream and they seemed to like it. If you go there in the next week check to see if they've added it to their menu (changing).

6:15pm Les has been calling me to play Jeopardy with him tonight (totally lame) it's like work after you're done with work. Instead I got 3 foot long subs(Changing) at subway for the wicked awesome low price of $11.95. After that I tanked out into a food coma for a couple of hours (engaging).

11:15pm Woke up in time for harvey birdman, and thanks to the jolt cola (engaging) I was able to call in the birdman fan quiz and win a free BMX bike (changing) wicked awesome! look out all you hill hall lame-os tanning on the beach, starting tomorrow, it's my new dirt track.



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