Saturday, May 24, 2008

Crammin' then scrammin'

Dude! Only two weeks left before Finals!
I better get cracking on beating this game:

I keep losing Moses in the river. Hmrpf.
This game is too hard. Maybe Steeley-boy is right: it is not a good replacement for Ufoundations.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A New Slogan?

This should tell you how awesome I am:
SPU's signature commitment to "know and understand what is going on in the world."

The precious faculty came up with this, the dumbest catch phrase EVER!

Why do they even try to compete?

"Engaging the Culture, Changing the World"
will live on FOREVER!!!!!!!!

I am a genius.

Just look below at my genius. Gawk, you pleebs. You flanges of academia.

My slogan is just so good....
.......I deserve a sandwich.
Tasty, Tasty, double bacon, double cheese, footlong meatball sub.
I'm gonna hop in my car right now and drive down to the C-Store.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Engaging the Culture: How To

How are students engaging the world?