Tuesday, March 22, 2005

24 - What Would Jack Bauer Do?

Did you see 24 last night? Oh my GOSH! It was so freakin sweet! Jack Bauer, you're my hero. I was like "whoa," "oh" "No!" "Oh my gosh" "no WAY!" for the whole hour. Even during the commercials, because I'll be damned if a swiffer broom can really pick up all that stuff.

I think SPU should honor Jack Bauer with an honorary degree or at least a chance to speak at chapel. I mean, who runs chapel, pete wilson? How many times do I gotta look at that mophead this year. Can't we for once have a non-emu chapel coordinator? I'd vote for Jack Bauer. Sure, we'd still have to sing boring hymns but there'd be cool explosions and chases and lots of talking to each other on cell phones. Ol' Les Steele, he'd probably have a heart attack. (Ding Dong the witch is dead. La la la la la.)

Anyway, I had some mallomars for breakfast this morning, and they were good so I think I'm gonna have some more for dessert. Afterall, they're free to me.

Peace out homies,


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