Friday, April 08, 2005

The Pope and I

It is so sad and tragic to see The Pope go so early. I feel like he could have lead us into another millenium. He looked good last time I saw him. I am surprised to see him go so early. I am happy for him that he is in Heaven with the Father, but I am sad that I didn't have more time to prepare my campaign.

It is like we were separated at birth, The Pope and I. We are both so congenial. Both dynamic leaders for our time. Leading the way and lifting high the cross over the world. I would be a most excellent next Pope. I have travelling around the world to prepare (well just to AZ for Mariner's spring training, but it is the same concept) and I am always flanked by fans who reach out to touch my garments in hopes to be directly touched by the Holy Spirit. I have worked so hard to include other religions and races into the university. (Look at yesterday's post!)

I am a good guy and I hope all you know that and remember that when election day for Pope comes up.

Les Steele says that people don't get to vote for Pope. Idiot. This is America. American Freedom means we do what we want. And if we want to vote for Pope, by God, we'll do it.

Phil "Pope-to-be" Eaton


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