Monday, April 18, 2005

MUVO or Lose-O

I am a totally hip president. I am down with the kids' culture. Sometimes they ask me, "Phil dawg, how you be so cool all the time? You know more about hip hop and the haps of brad and jen than anyone on campus. You be stylin', dawg!"

"Tis true, tis true," I say.

And that is why I was first in line at Wal Mart to get the brand new MUVO. It is totally sweet. Much better than the silly, antiquated iPod. iPod be all shame faced and tuck tailed now.

Who needs Apple when you got Wal Mart? I got the MUVO do you? Les doesn't. Don't you? Don't be like Les.

Once more: Muvo kicks butt and if you want to be cool, too, then you better rush to get one.

Phil Dawg Eaton


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