Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Eaton's 12

The Movie Ocean's 12 came out today DVD. That movie was totally sweet. I reserved it on my netflix account like three weeks ago. I got it in the mail today and watched it like three times. I realized watching it that I am a lot like Brad Pitt. But then I watched it again and maybe I am more like George Clooney. The third time though I got it for sure: I'm some combination of both of them, but Les Steele is definitely the wanna-be leader Matt Damon. Poor Damon, he costars with Pitt and Clooney all the time but he never gets voted sexiest man alive. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride. I guess we can't all be the best.

Having a gang of criminals is cool and I want my own. But who would be in it? Our target? Dale's stash of mallomars. He keeps them in a deep freeze three stories below the C-store. Guarded 24/7 by trigger happy, zit faced freshman work study students. After that we have to get around the lazers and combination locks. And then not be distracted by the halls of "wicked awesome" framed movie posters. Are you up for it?



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