Monday, February 07, 2005

Why SPU? Why not BIOLA?

A lot of people ask me why should they should come to SPU. It's true that most Christian colleges are the same. You COULD go to BIOLA, if you wanted to hang out by a fountain and a huge mural of a white Jesus holding a bible and looking towards heaven. You COULD go to BIOLA, if you wanted to participate in the annual "bun run" and run around campus wearing only a jock strap. You COULD go to BIOLA, if you wanted to learn to make tough life decisions like "this weekend should I go to the beach or should I go to Disneyland?" You COULD go to BIOLA, if your life ambition is to make a million dollars just so that you could buy a Thomas Kinkade gallery.
But if you DO go to BIOLA, beware of what you'll be missing out on: ME, baby!
Does Biola's president, aka "Uncle Clyde," have his own blog? Pfft. He probably doesn't know what a blog is.
If you're reading this, that means you should come to SPU.
Also, at Biola, there is about 50% more of those faggy mop head haircuts that Matt Bollinger thinks are so stylin'. Lay off the dope, kid!


At 2/08/2005 2:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, Who is Matt Bollinger? I don't think i've heard that name before.

At 2/10/2005 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only one of the hottest writers for The Falcon that ever turned up in their little newspaper office! He definitely has a following for his cankles... they're precious in all of their blending of the ankle and calf. He's a good guy.

At 2/24/2005 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you said "faggy." Way to go, Phil!


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