Saturday, January 29, 2005

All this talk of science

John West, who some might paint as bruce banner, is again on a rampage about I.D. which I thought was a step down for Speilberg but I guess not all of his movies are going to be the best. Anyway, all this talk of science made me want to get out there and do it. Well, first it made me hungry so I had a sandwich and that made me tired so I took a nap and then Les was on my case so I had to go to a board meeting but I snuck out of that and grabbed my gear and headed to the SPU wildlife preserve.

Legend has it that the wildlife preserve is a bigfoot reststop on their yearly migration from chehalis to bellingham. I might be out for a couple of days, but I'll give you a full report.

Phil Eaton, bigfoot tracker at-large, oh yeah and um... PhD, there we go


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