Saturday, November 06, 2004

Truth Quest Changes.

You'd think that at events like the The Brandy Wine Forum that you'd be able to get liquored up. But no. Once again I was duped by this false advertising.

I call on SPU students and program directors to embark on a Truth Quest to end the rampant lies around this campus. I've listed some of the changes which I have seen that need to be made immediately.

1. Midterm Exams => Whenever-in-the-term Exams
2. KSPU Radio Station => KSPU internet and cable NARROWcast.
3. SPU Symphonic Wind Ensemble => SPU Lord of the Rings fan club.
4. Ashton Residence Hall => Ashton Beer Garden.
5. The Falcon Newspaper => SPU's failing voice of liberal truth.
6. CIS => A place to put the geeky tech kids that just don't fit into SMC, PA, or hall council programs.
7. FFMC = SPU's sugar daddy of religion.
8. The English Department => The Hippies' meeting grounds.
9. Second Essence => Where English students try to suck up to the hippie profesors they seek to emulate.
10. Campus Security => Campus parking enforcement and doughtnut eating squad.

Let the revolution start here and grow! If you know of other changes that need to be made post them here or write to the Falcon!


At 11/10/2004 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, that one was actually pretty funny.


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