Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Phil Eaton Super Cookies

A year ago on this day rumors were started that I was leaving my post as President of SPU.
But those idiotic "Centurions" were sooooo wrong.
It is a year later and I am still here. And why? Because




That's right. And as a commemorative gift to you, my blogger buddies, I am giving you a special treat: the coveted super secret recipe for....

Phil Eaton Super Cookies.
You will need:
- 5 lbs bag of chocolate chips.
- 32 oz jar of peanut butter
- spoon.

Step 1: Take the spoon and give it a swirl in the peanut butter. You should get a hearty glob on the end of the spoon to make for a good "super cookie."
Step 2: Dip the peanut butter covered spoon into the chocolate chips.
Step 3: Lick the spoon like a lollipop.

Yields: one super cookie, but can repeated for hours of delight.

It's a simple recipe, I'm sure even a frosh from the dishroom at the cafeteria could handle this culinary mastery.

Peace Out


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