Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Hot or Not ?

I know cool. I know fashion. You don't get to be friends with The Fonz, by being a nerd! Here is my list of what's hot and what's not for the upcoming season.

1. Dave Chappelle. Out-rageous!
2. Crankbait Bass Fishing Lures. It's not my favorite way to fish, but for tournaments I strongly believe that it is the most versatile and productive of all lures.
3. Moon Pie. Whoever invented these little tasty treats is a god.
4. The Wesley. It's luxurious. It's stylin'. Dare I say it is "pimping"? Yes I do dare. The best part is: it's at SPU.
5. People giving money to SPU.


1. Snapple.
2. Having to move back into the Hilford House on the SPU campus.
3. Dave Chappelle's comedy special is only available on ShowTime and SPU doesn't subscribe.
4. All the stairs on campus. What's up with that? Honestly, I'd support a Gwinn to Ashton ski lift.
5. People not giving money to SPU.


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