$5 Closer to Painting my Audi White
So I went to Dick's with my trusty recycle mug and told the Dick's man to fill me up.
After a good hour or two of tipping back a glasses of fat, I figured I earned my five bucks and I was nothing worse the wear than if I'd eaten at Gwinn.
I got my five bucks and used it to buy two deluxes and some fries, which--after all that grease--went down easier than ever.
Les Steele, you're really missing out. I'm sure your precious Ponti's wouldn't serve you their left over fat! I am the greatest!
Seriously, the best machines run on fast food grease, and now I'm running on greast from the best fast food place ever. I got so much work done today: I watched six episodes of SMURFS.
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