Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Snow! Snow! Snow!

When it snows, it is going to be so frickin' rad. I am waxing up my sled right now. All you all fools studying are going to be the losers using gwinn trays on the hills. I will rule the hills, eat my snow shower.

I can't wait. I'm going to build a big wall around the grass hill behind Hill Hall. And then build my own private snow machine. I'll get like a 42 inch base on that sucka. I'll be rocking out snow-style while you fools are reading "Things Fall About" or "The Orthodox Way." but don't worry, I've got the huge wall, so none of you will be distracted by seeing me having fun.

I drew up some plans and made some totally kick butt course and maps down the hill. One I call the "the Les Steele" cause it is super slick.

Les did not receive the honors as I intended. Instead he made me work on my business class homework. He wanted three ideas. I gave him the map: The Super slick track, aka "the les steele," the Ashton Run, which comes with complimentary beer: "can you down the beer before you're down the hill?" and the Tim Dearborn run which comes with a push from me and doesn't stop until you're no longer on campus.

Les frowned on that, but gave me another day to come up with real businesses. He threatened that if I don't come up with one of my own, he's going to make me sell lemonade.

After that I came up with the special run for emerson students. Basically it is the same as what everyone else gets, but I make them pay an extra 25% to go down. Those elitist punk kids fall for it everytime.



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