Tuesday, October 11, 2005

For all you losers who thought LOTR was fiction...

There are things we know and there are things we don't know and there are things we know we don't know and then there are things we don't know we know and then there are things we know we know but are afraid to admit we know. Poor Frodo. Posted by Picasa


At 10/14/2005 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Phil, you got a MySpace page? Everyone's doing it, even your fellow plutocrat Rupert Murdoch!

At 10/18/2005 4:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have Dinosaurs on there. That TV show was awesome!

Your post reminded me of Lemony Snicket. You should read some of his stuff, Phil. He's high class literature. About as classy as your favorite book, "There's a boy in the girl's bathroom". Check him out Phil, peace.




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