Friday, June 04, 2004



I cannot wait to get outta here. The new Harry Potter movie comes out tonight. Totally Rad. Potsie and Richie and totally blowing me off. And I'm like "What-ev-errrr."
Jack Tripper and I are going to go see it with some of his roommates. So there. Rad.

Only 6 more hours to go. I spent the first hour hiding in my private bathroom. I went for the paper and found a copy of the Foul-con. Those meddling kids!

Then I went to the C-store and demanded that Dale keep mallomars in stock year-round. I doubt he can handle that. He'd probably eat them. Maybe I should out-source the C-Store as well.

Now I am doing the blog thing, for which I require complete silence, no distruptions, and plenty of mallomars. Got it, Dale? Keep 'em comin'.

Mood: Chipper
Music: Beach Boys, "Dance, Dance, Dance"


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