Tuesday, June 01, 2004

A Day In/Out of the Office

I had to go back to work today. That blows.

Luckily I was able to sneak out past Les Steele's office and hang out at the C-Store with Fonzie, Potsie, and Ralph Malph.
But then Pinky Tuscadero showed up and Fonzie kicked us out.

On the way out, I saw Kathleen Braden in line for a sandwich. I hid behind the "bowl appetite" aisle until she left.

Then Potsie and I snuck off campus to go see "Van Helsing." That movie rocked!

We got back to campus around 4:30 and Potsie had to give me a boost so I could sneak in through my private bathroom window so that Les Steele wouldn't catch me.

I brought home some Subway for the Mrs., but she wasn't impressed.

After dinner I played Nintendo and drank TAB cola until Sharon said it was time for bed. Bogus.

Mood: bummed
Music: Radiohead


At 6/01/2004 11:51 PM, Blogger Meg said...

I like your proposal to accommodate 6000 students within the next ten years. I believe that this is even possible in one year by the removal of more non-essentials...like classrooms. If they were converted into residence halls we could easily house twice as many students. Oh, and I second the Jacuzzi idea.

At 6/01/2004 11:53 PM, Blogger Shelley said...

What a wonderful idea! In fact, by converting the classrooms into residential units, there would be plenty of room leftover to provide on-campus housing not just for the swollen student population, but also for our faithful leaf-blowers. I am very optimistic towards your plan for Utter Awesomeness for the SPU community.


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