Christmas Finals
Tonight I have the faculty coming over to my place for a little Christmas party. So lame. I mean the shrimp cocktails and crab cakes will be awesome. But the guests. Argh. All brainy and stuffy. Dead Sea Scrolls Lectures? C'mon, they are dead scrolls. Can scrolls ever be alive? I don't think so. So why waste my time telling me about it. You're smart. I believe you. You don't have to prove it to me, you just have to let me be me and that means letting me play some Fishbee.
Fishbee is not only the ultimate sport, it is also the ultimate spiritual exercise. These students are tossing a fish to and fro each other. Wasn't it Jesus who first tossed a fish into the air and when it hit the ground it shattered into 5,000 pieces which all grew into whole fishes and then he used those to feed the disciples at the last all you can eat buffet supper? That's what I remember from the Da Vinci Code. I mean, I slept through a lot of the boring stuff (about dead scrolls) but when J.C. and his homeboys start using the fish to cut off the ears of a roman soldiers in the garden of bloodshed, now that was big budget hollywood that can SAVE souls. I always knew the Hanksster had a Christian side.
Go with God,
I'm OUT!!!!!!!
So the obvious question is, is there an Ultimate Fishbee? And would that draw a protest from the Environmental Club?
Fishbee movie
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